I feel honoured that my painting ‘ Daydream 175 x 130 oil on linnen collection Sanquin’ is participating in the show ‘Colors of diversity’ in the nationale museum of Budapest in Hungary!
The theme is ‘connection’: I love that.
Other artworks come from collections of: Aegon, Ahold, AkzoNobel, AMC, Bouwfonds, De Nederlandse Bank, DSM, FSGroep, ING, Isala, KPMG, LUMC, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, NOG, NN Group, Rabobank, Sanquin, UMCU en Zuyderland MC.
Other artworks come from collections of: Aegon, Ahold, AkzoNobel, AMC, Bouwfonds, De Nederlandse Bank, DSM, FSGroep, ING, Isala, KPMG, LUMC, Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, NOG, NN Group, Rabobank, Sanquin, UMCU en Zuyderland MC.
“Colors of Diversity”
De tentoonstelling loopt van half september en loopt t/m eind oktober. De 60 geselecteerde werken uit de collecties van de VBCN worden op billboards van 100 x 150 cm geprint tezamen met begeleidende informatie. Deze panelen vormen tezamen een tentoonstelling
op het hekwerk van National Museum Budapest.
Curator Barnabás Bencsik (voormalig directeur van het Ludwig Museum in Boedapest) heeft de volgende toelichting bij zijn selectie gegeven: The title of the Budapest edition is “Colors of Diversity”. My main focus during the selection was the human figure in their diversity in different personal, social and urban context representing the unavoidable facts and reality of our multi-ethnical and multicultural condition of coexistence. I’m convinced that it is especially relevant in our local political and cultural climate in Budapest where the people are forced by the mainstream media to treat the ethnic and cultural homogeneity of the Hungarian society as a matter fact, but it’s not. So I found quite fascinating the approach of the Dutch artists in this dimension and I hope that through the portraits and the representations of self-conscious individuals from varied ethnic and cultural background, we can introduce a strong artistic and visual statement to the public space of Budapest.
op het hekwerk van National Museum Budapest.
Curator Barnabás Bencsik (voormalig directeur van het Ludwig Museum in Boedapest) heeft de volgende toelichting bij zijn selectie gegeven: The title of the Budapest edition is “Colors of Diversity”. My main focus during the selection was the human figure in their diversity in different personal, social and urban context representing the unavoidable facts and reality of our multi-ethnical and multicultural condition of coexistence. I’m convinced that it is especially relevant in our local political and cultural climate in Budapest where the people are forced by the mainstream media to treat the ethnic and cultural homogeneity of the Hungarian society as a matter fact, but it’s not. So I found quite fascinating the approach of the Dutch artists in this dimension and I hope that through the portraits and the representations of self-conscious individuals from varied ethnic and cultural background, we can introduce a strong artistic and visual statement to the public space of Budapest.